
About the InnerWorkings

It’s not every day that you become a business owner! The road leading here felt like it was in accelerated slow motion, if you can imagine that. But here we are, so let’s take a deep dive into the innerworkings.

Massage school gave me so much to captivated by in regards to our bodies & how they work. There were many moments where things clicked snugly into place for me. It was comforting to become familiar with my own innerworkings. I felt grateful, inspired, and curious for more. As I started to consider what my own bodywork practice would look like, I didn’t have a full picture in mind – but there were some core values that I had always been connected to.

  1. I knew I wanted to do bodywork which supported emotional balance and acknowledged their affect on our bodies/health.
  2. I wanted to share some of what I had learned in my training, with my clients. With everyone!
  3. Obviously, I wanted to make people feel good!

As time progressed I further developed as a bodyworker and health care provider. My confidence rose as did my creativity, and so I explored.. Those who know me can tell you how much I LOVE stretching. It is my moving meditation, and the space in which I receive the bulk of my downloads from source. I can literally spend hours just following the sensations in my body as I move it this way and that. One of these beloved sessions yielded something new, something wonderful.

There’s a note on my phone from September 15th of 2021 that reads, “Self Massage! This is so lit – remember the leg routine you did!” I loved it. I immediately recognized this discovery as a straight up brain blast downloaded from my higher self. By the end of it I felt new and fluid. Delicious is the best way to describe it. As I continued with the feel-good discoveries, the thought of how awesome it would be to teach this to others came to me. The techniques I used on myself were simple enough to teach to any person. So why shouldn’t I??

The first of many Aha moments I had regarding my future practice. I tried hosting a self massage workshop several months later, but did not execute in quite the way I had initially imagined. However, I learned plenty! The more time I put into it, the more I began to realize why it was exciting to me in the first place. It was the same reason for wanting to share the basics on how our bodies work and how we can impact their functioning. The root of it was giving my clients tools to empower themselves with. Knowledge about their bodies, and how to improve their physical experience all on their own. That is the key motive behind the creation of this business.

InnerWorkings Massage is built on the following fundamentals:

Developing self-awareness

Touch is an amazing tool for developing self awareness. There are so many areas of our bodies that we cannot directly access or connect to on our own. When in a session, I may give you tactile cues to guide you through a technique for breath, posture, or an exercise. Another valuable tool for establishing self-awareness is visualization. During a session, I may prompt you to visualize your pain, or a specific body part. This process deepens your ability to connect to the issue and therefore, have a better chance of addressing it. Becoming aware of your physical and emotional patterns is the first step to unraveling those that no longer serve you.


You are bound to discover, or rediscover, things about yourself that you may not have expected as we look into the potential causes of your pain. The reality is that every aspect of our being is energetic, including the physical. Moving through life subjects us to all sorts of pain and trauma. If not properly tended to, these energetic injuries have no means to exit. So they make a home within our bodies. They often manifest as some sort of physical ailment or dis-ease until they are released.

Empowered Self-Care

I have yet to decide if this is the most important pillar of InnerWorkings Massage, or just my favorite! I believe in every individuals ability to heal themselves. Simply adopting best practices for breathing is enough to change your life. But there is also way more out there for you to take on. I have gathered countless techniques for self care through my own training and journeys of discovery. Utilizing these techniques will allow you to improve the way you move, feel, and function. Stretching, self-massage, meditation, and handy tools for pain relief are just the beginning. Allow me to guide you through the best feeling educational experience of your life.

Balance – mind, body, spirit & emotions

I attended Pacific College of Health and Science, which is one of the best schools for both massage and acupuncture. This integration exposed me to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and 5 element theory. These concepts deserve their own post, but essentially, this knowledge further cemented my awareness that our emotions play a pivotal role in our health and wellness. Through the use of acupressure points, aromatherapy, and special massage modalities, I can assist you in founding emotional balance. We will both have a hand in this outcome. Your intentions will be supported by bodywork, while you continue doing the inner work.


Personally, I’m obsessed with feeling good. The rest kind of goes without saying, so… If you are ready to connect with yourself and begin improving the way you feel in your everyday life, book your session today.

You can learn more about the one of a kind services offered at InnerWorkings Massage here.